Kevin K Kien

Security for S3 from Terraform Config

13 Sep 2024


This post is will use Terraform config from terraform/aws/ I will perform building checklist security for S3 and after review config and give out result misconfigration from config Finnal, i will provide solution and config prevent for Terraform config.

Building checklist

With S3 i have checklist for audit include:

  • Bucket is private
  • Use SSL/TLS on the connection
  • Encrypt data
  • Access control with IAM policies and bucket policies
  • Enable logging and versioning

S3 Terraform config

I have Terraform config example:

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "data" {
  # bucket is public
  # bucket is not encrypted
  # bucket does not have access logs
  # bucket does not have versioning
  bucket        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
  force_destroy = true
  tags = merge({
    Name        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
    Environment = local.resource_prefix.value
    }, {
    git_commit           = "4d57f83ca4d3a78a44fb36d1dcf0d23983fa44f5"
    git_file             = "terraform/aws/"
    git_last_modified_at = "2022-05-18 07:08:06"
    git_last_modified_by = "[email protected]"
    git_modifiers        = "34870196+LironElbaz/nimrod/nimrodkor"
    git_org              = "bridgecrewio"
    git_repo             = "terragoat"
    yor_trace            = "0874007d-903a-4b4c-945f-c9c233e13243"

Audit config

I will perform review security for each resource. The first with bucket data.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "data" {
  # bucket is public
  # bucket is not encrypted
  # bucket does not have access logs
  # bucket does not have versioning
  bucket        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
  force_destroy = true
  tags = merge({
    Name        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
    Environment = local.resource_prefix.value
    }, {
    git_commit           = "4d57f83ca4d3a78a44fb36d1dcf0d23983fa44f5"
    git_file             = "terraform/aws/"
    git_last_modified_at = "2022-05-18 07:08:06"
    git_last_modified_by = "[email protected]"
    git_modifiers        = "34870196+LironElbaz/nimrod/nimrodkor"
    git_org              = "bridgecrewio"
    git_repo             = "terragoat"
    yor_trace            = "0874007d-903a-4b4c-945f-c9c233e13243"

In the config, not config access list so anyone can access to bucket. When bucket public, anyone can be access and get all data in the bucket. Data not config encrypt with KMS. So when if have anyone can be access to bucket on AWS, their can read all data of in the bucket. Config not config access log so when perform audit access to bucket, if haven’t access log auditor will can’t check log. When not config version for bucket, when file deteled is difficult can restore.

Config for security

  • Config ACL change bucket public to private
    acl    = "private"
  • Config access control with IAM policies and bucket policies
    policy = jsonencode({
      Version = "2012-10-17",
      Statement = [
          Effect = "Allow",
          Principal = {
            AWS = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/your-role" # IAM Role or IAM User ARN
          Action   = "s3:*"
          Resource = [
  • Encrypt with KMS
    server_side_encryption_configuration {
      rule {
        apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
          sse_algorithm     = "aws:kms"
          kms_master_key_id = "${aws_kms_key.logs_key.arn}"
  • Enable logging and versining
    versioning {
    enabled = true
    logging {
    target_bucket = "${}"
    target_prefix = "log/"
  • Enable SSL/TLS on the connection
    policy = jsonencode({
      Version = "2012-10-17",
      Statement = [
          Effect = "Deny",
          Principal = "*",
          Action = "s3:*",
          Resource = [
          Condition = {
            Bool = {
              "aws:SecureTransport" = "false" # deny if access to bucket with HTTP

Finnal config with security

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "data" {
  bucket        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
  acl    = "private"
  force_destroy = true
  versioning {
    enabled = true
  logging {
    target_bucket = "${}"
    target_prefix = "log/"
  server_side_encryption_configuration {
    rule {
      apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
        sse_algorithm     = "aws:kms"
        kms_master_key_id = "${aws_kms_key.logs_key.arn}"
  policy = jsonencode({
    Version = "2012-10-17",
    Statement = [
      # Allow Access for specific IAM Role/User
        Effect = "Allow",
        Principal = {
          AWS = "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/your-role" # IAM Role or IAM User ARN
        Action   = "s3:*" # Allow all actions, modify as per your need
        Resource = [

      # Deny access if not using SSL/TLS (SecureTransport)
        Effect = "Deny",
        Principal = "*", # Applies to all users
        Action   = "s3:*", # Deny all actions if accessed without SSL/TLS
        Resource = [
        Condition = {
          Bool = {
            "aws:SecureTransport" = "false" # Deny if access over HTTP
  tags = merge({
    Name        = "${local.resource_prefix.value}-data"
    Environment = local.resource_prefix.value
    }, {
    git_commit           = "4d57f83ca4d3a78a44fb36d1dcf0d23983fa44f5"
    git_file             = "terraform/aws/"
    git_last_modified_at = "2022-05-18 07:08:06"
    git_last_modified_by = "[email protected]"
    git_modifiers        = "34870196+LironElbaz/nimrod/nimrodkor"
    git_org              = "bridgecrewio"
    git_repo             = "terragoat"
    yor_trace            = "0874007d-903a-4b4c-945f-c9c233e13243"